

I travel the world and facilitate workshops on consciousness and embodiment everywhere!

Ask A Plant! (and Monica)
10:00 AM10:00

Ask A Plant! (and Monica)

How can we engage with the consciousness of the Earth to find new ways to move through our daily lives?

Beginning in February 2025, Monica will host monthly conversations and explorations with and about different plants.

Bring your questions from the garden (which can include anything, really!), and let’s discover what the plants have to say!

In addition to 1 zoom call and extra goodies, you will be invited to join a telegram group where you can ask your plant questions and keep the conversation rolling.

What is the future you would most like to plant today?

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Introduction to Talk to the Plants
5:00 PM17:00

Introduction to Talk to the Plants

What can we discover in Delhi!?!

With so many beings of all kinds all in one place, what can we begin to open up with the choice to talk with the Earth?

What would the world be like if you were to acknowledge and engage with the consciousness of EVERYTHING?

How much more might you be able to contribute to the vitality of the world around you, if you were to include yourself in the conversation of the Earth?

Talk To the Plants is an exploration of the many ways we can expand our presence and receiving from the Earth.

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Spirits of the Earth
7:00 PM19:00

Spirits of the Earth

For centuries our ancestors worshiped the spirits of the Earth. They knew them and respected them.

These earth spirits still live among us in the trees, water, sky and land, yet they are disappearing rapidly as the earth loses its natural landscape.

Nature spirits are vital for the health of the earth and bring so much magic to all of our lives if we will perceive, receive and play with them.

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The Foundation
to Jan 26

The Foundation

The Foundation class is designed to empower you to change anything and everything you’d like to change in your life. You will be given a whole toolbox that will allow you to break apart the foundation of limitation that we so often function from and build a new foundation, one of limitless possibility so that you can begin to create the life you truly desire.

What do you desire? What would you like to be different? Would you like more joy? More fun? More ease? Would you like to wake up in the morning with a sense of gratitude... happy to be on the planet?

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Talk to the Entities The Beginning
9:00 AM09:00

Talk to the Entities The Beginning

What if entity awareness is a potency and gift?

Do you desire to learn how to handle and work with all the entities and energies you are aware of or pretending not to be aware of? And what about getting over all fear and resistance to entity awareness, for real!?

Join us for Talk to The Entities Beginning where you will learn how to develop your own awareness and change the way you see and work with the spirit world.

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Talk to the Entities Introduction
5:30 PM17:30

Talk to the Entities Introduction

What if entity awareness is a potency and gift?

Do you desire to learn how to handle and work with all the entities and energies you are aware of or pretending not to be aware of? And what about getting over all fear and resistance to entity awareness, for real!?

Join us for Talk to The Entities Beginning where you will learn how to develop your own awareness and change the way you see and work with the spirit world.

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Planting Seeds for the Future
2:00 PM14:00

Planting Seeds for the Future

What seeds have you been planting for your future? What if the world you would like to be living in is just waiting to be created... by you?

Join Access Consciousness Certified Facilitators Donna Salemink and Monica Gilliam for an exploration of the choices you may not have even realized are actually available.

October 19th at 4:00-5:00pm CST

Your Local Time

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Spirits of the Earth
1:00 PM13:00

Spirits of the Earth

Nature spirits are vital for the health of the earth and bring so much magic to all of our lives if we will perceive, receive and play with them.

Learn to acknowledge the magic earth spirits are and invite them into your life and back to power on the Earth.

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TTTE Intermediate
9:30 AM09:30

TTTE Intermediate

Now that you have discovered the foundational tools of Talk To The Entities Beginning, are you ready to step up your engagement with the spirit world with the Intermediate class?

Expand your capacities for communication and open to more of the gifts that are being given.

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Introducing the Symphony
4:30 PM16:30

Introducing the Symphony

Everything in the universe is a possibility and a probability until a choice is made. And there is a possibility everywhere. It is within the air and the molecules around us.

In this class, you will experience how your whole life is actually an energetic movement.

Nothing is solid, including your problems.

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TTTE Beginning
to Aug 4

TTTE Beginning

What if entity awareness is a potency and gift?

Do you desire to learn how to handle and work with all the entities and energies you are aware of or pretending not to be aware of? And what about getting over all fear and resistance to entity awareness, for real!?

Join us for Talk to The Entities Beginning where you will learn how to develop your own awareness and change the way you see and work with the spirit world.

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Spirits of the Earth
7:00 AM07:00

Spirits of the Earth

Nature spirits are vital for the health of the earth and bring so much magic to all of our lives if we will perceive, receive and play with them. 

Learn to acknowledge the magic earth spirits are and invite them into your life and back to power on the Earth.

Join Access Consciousness® and Talk To The Entities® Certified Facilitator, Monica Gilliam, for a dive into this vibrant aspect of the Spirit World.

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Foundation Class - Taipei
to Jun 6

Foundation Class - Taipei

  • Taipei City, 106 Taiwan (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

What else is possible for you to live and choose and create and play with and enjoy that you have not even imagined?
The Foundation class is designed to break the foundation of what you think your reality is, so you can create the reality that works for you.

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Talk To The Entities - The Beginning
to Apr 30

Talk To The Entities - The Beginning

  • Google Calendar ICS

The Beginning class is where you will learn how to develop your own psychic awareness and change the way you see the spirit world.

Many people are made wrong and driven to varying levels of angst, depression and in severe cases insanity by their un-acknowledged and misunderstood capacities with the spirit world. If you are one of these people or know someone who is, then Talk to The Entities is for you!

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What Do I Plant? A conversation with the Earth
9:00 AM09:00

What Do I Plant? A conversation with the Earth

Join Access Consciousness® Certified facilitators, Monica Gilliam and Diva Diaz, for a conversation with the Earth, as they explore such questions as:

What would the Earth like?
Who and what else would like to be included in the garden plans?
Are people willing to talk (and actually listen) to the spirits of the Earth?
What are the many ways we can contribute to the future of the Earth?
And so much more…

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