

Do you desire to learn how to handle and work with all the entities and energies you are aware of or pretending not to be aware of?
And what about getting over all fear and resistance to entity awareness, for real!?

Welcome to Talk To The Entities – Beginning Online

What if entity awareness is a potency and gift?

This product contains recordings of a Talk To The Entities class with Monica Gilliam that occurred from March 26th - 29th, 2021. This TTTE Product does not count towards fulfilling TTTE Core Class prerequisites. All TTTE prerequisites must be fulfilled by attending a live in-person class or at a distance online with a certified TTTE Facilitator.
Format: Video and audio Class

Join us for Talk to The Entities Beginning where you will learn how to develop your own awareness and change the way you see and work with the spirit world.

Your Facilitator: Monica Gilliam

Your Facilitator: Monica Gilliam

Do you desire to learn how to handle and work with all the entities and energies you are aware of or pretending not to be aware of? And what about getting over all fear and resistance to entity awareness, for real!?

Using the tools and processes of Access Consciousness® you will gain greater clarity with the magic and ease the spirit world can truly be while simultaneously getting rid of all difficulty and reaction you may have to entity awareness.

Gaining greater consciousness with the spirit world will enhance the ease and consciousness of your entire life.

What if entities are all around us and it is natural and normal to see them, perceive them, sense them and even communicate with them?

Many people are made wrong and driven to varying levels of angst, depression and in severe cases insanity by their un-acknowledged and misunderstood capacities with the spirit world. If you are one of these people or know someone who is, then Talk to The Entities is for you!

Some of the subjects covered in this series will be:

  • Introduction to the Access Consciousness Processes

  • Getting out of Fear and into Potency with Entities

  • Getting rid of all the lies you have bought about entities

  • Everything you should have been told about Entities that you weren’t

  • Identifying your Entity awareness signs

  • Clearing and Communicating with Entities

  • Different Kinds of Entities

  • And much, much more!

Welcome to a whole new way of being in the world and opening up to the profound power that being with entities can be.
What do you know that you are pretending not to know and denying that you know?

Pre-requisites: Access Bars Class with any Access Consciousness Certified Bars Facilitator worldwide.

* 100% country: $1375
* 80% country $1100
* 65% country $894

Access Country Pricing is applicable in this product. If you know that you live in a 80% or 65% country please e-mail us your country of residence, and we'll e-mail you the country pricing payment link.

This class will follow the international pricing guidelines for Access Consciousness classes. For more info, go here: https://www.accessconsciousness.com/en/about/faqs/international-pricing-policy


Please note:
* This product contains recordings of a Talk To The Entities class with Monica Gilliam that occurred from March 26th - 29th, 2021.
* This TTTE Product does not count towards fulfilling TTTE Core Class prerequisites.
All TTTE prerequisites must be fulfilled by attending a live in-person class or at a distance online with a certified TTTE Facilitator.
* This product contains digital downloads, no refund will be available after purchase.
* We recommend getting your bars run after listening to this recording.
* Be kind to your body and ask what else it requires.

